Manajemen Pasien Acute Fatty Liver Of Pregnancy (AFLP) di ICU

We reported management of patient in ICU of a woman aged 31 years, 50kg with a diagnosis of acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP) post SC on fetal indications disstres. Patients previously treated on the ward obsgyn after the previous day into labor with cesarean section. Patients look weak, restless and jaundice, consulted the ICU with a diagnosis of post SC emergency dibangsal first day on indications of fetal disstres, preterm, P2A0, sepsis with MODS. The patient is transported to the ICU with the support of oxygenation NRM O2 10 L / min. On the fifth day in the ICU situation began to improve and steady, day-to-eight patients were allowed to move into the ward.


Dilaporkan penatalaksanaan pasien di ICU terhadap seorang wanita umur 31 tahun dengan berat badan 50kg dengan diagnosa acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP) post SC atas indikasi fetal disstres. Pasien sebelumnya dirawat di bangsal obsgyn setelah sehari sebelumnya mengalami persalinan dengan seksio sesaria. Pasien terlihat lemah, gelisah dan ikterik/jaundice, dikonsulkan ke ICU dengan diagnosa dibangsal post SC emergency hari 1 atas indikasi fetal disstres, preterm, P2A0, sepsis disertai MODS. Pasien ditransport ke ICU dengan support oksigenasi NRM O2 10 L/mnt. Pada hari ke lima di ICU keadaan mulai membaik dan stabil, hari ke delapan pasien diperbolehkan pindah ke bangsal.