Anestesi pada Ovum Pick Up (OPU)

A 37 years old woman was diagnosed with primary infertility. The procedures to be performed are OPU (ovum pick up). Physical status in this patient is ASA II because of her asthma. The Anesthesia technique in this patient is GA Tiva. The prosedure lasted for 30 minutes. The Hemodynamic was stable during the prosedure. Post surgery care in this patients in the recovery room for 2 hours and allowed to go home after scoring postanesthesia discharge scoring system (PADS) is more than 9

Seorang perempuan 37 tahun terdiagnosa infertil primer. Prosedur yang akan dilakukan adalah Ovum Pick Up (OPU). Status fisik ASA II karena asma.Dilakukan anestesi dengan GA TIVA.Tindakan berlangsung selama 30 menit.Hemodinamik selama tindakan stabil. Post operasi pasien di ruang pemulihan selama 2 jam dan diperbolehkan pulang setelah skoring postanesthesia discharge scoring system (PADS) lebih dari 9