Manajemen Pasien Leptospirosis di ICU

We reported a 54-year-old male patient with leptospirosis, septic shock, and MODS. Patient is referred from RSUD Prambanan with chief complaint of high fever accompanied by yellow eyes and body, headache, calf pain, body aches rheumatic pain, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, and tea colored urine. From history taking, it was found that there was a possibility of a history of contact with animals that were the source of transmission of leptospirosis, namely rats. The patient was treated in the ICU for several days. During treatment, hemodialysis was performed several times due to an increase in blood urea. After being treated for several days, the patient’s condition improved and treatment was carried out on the ward by internist.

Dilaporkan seorang laki-laki berusia 54 tahun dengan diagnosis leptospirosis, syok sepsis, dan Sindrom Disfungsi Organ Multipel. Pasien rujukan dari RSUD Prambanan dengan keluhan utama demam tinggi disertai mata dan badan berwarna kuning, nyeri kepala, nyeri betis, badan pegal linu, mual, muntah, sesak nafas, buang air kecil berwarna seperti air teh. Dari anamnesis didapatkan adanya kemungkinan riwayat kontak dengan hewan yang menjadi sumber penularan leptospirosis yaitu tikus. Pasien dirawat di ICU untuk penanganan lebih lanjut. Selama perawatan sempat dilakukan hemodialisis karena terjadi peningkatan ureum. Setelah dirawat beberapa hari, kondisi pasien membaik dan perawatan dilanjutkan di bangsal oleh sejawat penyakit dalam.