Karakteristik pasien yang di rawat di di ICU adalah pasien dengan kondisi kritis, akut, dengan banyaknya
komorbid, menjalani berbagai tindakan medis, mendapatkan bermacam-macam medikasi, serta perawatan
oleh multidisiplin dan multispesialis. Kondisi tersebut merupakan tantangan untuk dapat mengembangkan
kultur safety di ICU. Kultur safety di ICU merupakan suatu kultur yang penting dikembangkan untuk
memberikan kewaspadaan kepada setiap petugas di ICU mengenai tingginya potensi medical error di
ICU yang dapat memberikan dampak yang berat kepada pasien. Diperlukan strategi yang sistematis dan
pendekatan multifaktorial untuk dapat meningkatkan patient safety dan mengurangi medical error di ICU.
Meningkatkan kultur safety, memastikan komitmen terhadap regulasi nasional patient safety, investasi
pada infrastruktur yang aman, mengoptimalkan peran unit dalam identifikasi potensi medical error dan
standarisasi pelayanan sesuai dengan evidence base terkini merupakan faktor-faktor dasar yang diperlukan
untuk mendukung pelayanan pasien yang aman dan berkualitas di ICU. Penting untuk dalam tahapan
berikutnya untuk melakukan manajemen dan mengukur proses maupun outcome dalam pelayanan, dan
memastikan bahwa pasien mendapatkan terapi secara optimal sesuai dengan evidence base practice.
Usaha-usaha tersebut di atas untuk dapat berhasil tentunya memerlukan organisasi, leadership, kerjasama
multidisiplin dan multispesialis, serta individu ujung pelayanan yang komitmen dan konsisten terhadap
pengembangan kultur safety di ICU.

Characteristics of patients treated in the ICU are patients with critical conditions, acute, with many comorbidities,
the number of actions and medications and treatments by multidisciplinary and multi-specialist. This condition
is a challenge to be able to develop safety culture in the ICU. The safety culture in the ICU must be aware of
and have high vigilance that the potential for medical errors is quite high in the ICU and has a severe impact
on patients. Systematic strategies and multifactorial approaches are needed to improve patient safety and
reduce medical errors at the ICU. Improving safety culture, ensuring commitment to national patient safety
regulations, investing in safe infrastructure, optimizing the role of units in identifying potential errors and
standardizing services according to the latest evidence base are the basic factors needed to support safe and
quality patient care at ICU . It is important for the next stage to manage and measure the processes and
outcomes in the service, and ensure that patients receive optimal therapy in accordance with evidence base
practice. In addition to focusing on patient safety areas that have been regulated by national regulations,
focus on areas with an appropriate evidence base to be applied in ICU care such as protocol development,
checklists, care bundles, simulation-based education, and CUSP programs to optimize the role of units in the
program patient safety. The efforts mentioned above to be able to succeed certainly require organization,
leadership, multidisciplinary and multi-specialist cooperation, as well as individual service ends who are
committed and consistent to the development of safety culture in the ICU.